Covid-19 dan Koinfeksi Penyakit Parasit


  • Reqgi First Trasia Bagian Parasitologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia



Covid-19, koinfeksi, malaria, cacingan, penyakit parasit


LATAR BELAKANG: Kondisi pandemi, kasus Covid-19 semakin meningkat, manifestasi klinis seperti demam, batuk, diare, muntah, sakit kepala, mialgia dan kelelahan, mungkin sulit untuk membedakan COVID-19 dari spektrum penyakit dengan manifestasi serupa, seperti malaria dan cacingan, terutama di daerah endemik. Di Indonesia belum ada artikel yang membahas Covid-19 dengan koinfeksi malaria dan cacing. TUJUAN: Tujuan penulisan ini adalah menelaah dampak klinis infeksi Covid-19 dengan komorbid infeksi parasit yaitu malaria dan kecacingan. METODE: Penelusuran kepustakaan 154 jurnal, terdapat 4 jurnal yang relevan. DISKUSI: Manifestasi klinis malaria yang parah terjadi karena respon proinflamasi yang meningkat, hal yang sama terjadi dalam banyak kasus COVID-19. Koinfeksi Malaria dan COVID-19 dapat menyebabkan respons pro-inflamasi yang berlebihan, manifestasi klinis lebih parah dan prognosis buruk. Berdasarkan imunopatogenitas dari infeksi cacing di daerah endemis, dikhawatirkan hal tersebut akan meningkatkan keparahan gejala Covid-19 pada pasien dengan koinfeksi cacing. KESIMPULAN: Pada kasus Covid-19 yang diikuti dengan koinfeksi malaria menunjukkan keparahan manifestasi klinis akibat peningkatan respon inflamasi. Diduga bahwa respon imun hospes terhadap cacing akan memberikan dampak klinis yang lebih berat pada kasus Covid-19.

Kata kunci: Covid-19, koinfeksi, malaria, cacingan, penyakit parasit


BACKGROUND: The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic where the number of cases is increasing. Clinical manifestations such as fever, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, myalgia and fatigue, it may be difficult to distinguish COVID-19 from the spectrum of diseases with similar manifestations, such as malaria and intestinal worms, especially in endemic areas. Indonesia there are no articles discussing Covid-19 with malaria and worm coinfection. OBJECTIVE: The purpose this article is to review the clinical impact of Covid-19 infection with comorbid parasitic infections, in this case malaria and worms. METHOD: Search the literature of 154 journals, there are 4 journals that are relevant DISCUSSION: The severe manifestations of malaria occur because of an increased proinflammatory response, the same thing happens in many cases of COVID-19. Malaria coinfection and COVID-19 can then cause excessive pro-inflammatory responses, severe manifestations and a poor prognosis. In addition, based on immunopathogenicity from worm infections in endemic areas, it is feared that this will increase the severity of Covid-19 symptoms in patients with worm co-infection. CONCLUSION: In the case of Covid-19 followed by co-infection with malaria, it shows the severity of clinical manifestations due to increased inflammatory response. Tobe assumed that the host's immune response to worms will have a more severe clinical impact in the Covid-19 case.

Keywords: Covid-19, coinfection, malaria, intestinal worms, parasitic diseases


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How to Cite

Trasia RF. Covid-19 dan Koinfeksi Penyakit Parasit. Medica Hospitalia J. Clin. Med. [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];7(1A):298-303. Available from:

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