Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Persepsi Ibu dengan Pemanfaatan Layanan Provider Initiated HIV Testing Counselling di Maluku
Ibu Hamil, PITC, pengetahuan, HIV/AIDSAbstract
Latar belakang : Maluku Tenggara berada pada peringkat ke-2 tertinggi kasus HIV/AIDS dari 11 kabupaten di Maluku. Ibu rumah tangga di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kolser rentan tertular HIV dari suaminya. Rumah tangga daerah ini 40% tidak tinggal bersama karena suami bekerja tidak menetap, selain itu di daerah ini juga terdapat lokalisasi. Ibu hamil yang memanfaatkan layanan Provider Initiated HIV Testing Counselling tahun 2017 sebanyak 76% dari 321 kunjungan, data ini menunjukkan Puskesmas Kolser belum mencapai target Maluku Tenggara terkait program yakni 89%.
Tujuan : Mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan layanan PITC oleh ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kolser.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik pendekatan cross-sectional. Subjek 155 ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kolser yang diperoleh dengan tehnik total sampling. Instrumen penelitian kuesioner, data dikumpulkan dengan metode face to face dan dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square dan regresi ogistik ganda metode backward
Hasil : Terdapat hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,000), persepsi manfaat pemeriksaan HIV (p=0,007), dan persepsi kerentanan (p=0,040) dengan pemanfaatan layanan PITC. Ibu hamil yang mempunyai pengetahuan rendah beresiko 3,825 kali lebih besar untuk tidak memanfaatkan layanan PITC dibandingkan ibu hamil dengan pengetahuan yang tinggi.
Simpulan : Pengetahuan ibu hamil merupakan faktor yang paling signifikan terkait pemanfaatan layanan PITC di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kolser Maluku.
Kata kunci : Ibu hamil, PITC, pengetahuan, HIV/AIDS
Relationship Between Mother’s Knowledge and Perception with the Use of Provider Initiated HIV Testing Counselling in Maluku
Background : Southeast Maluku district is ranked the 2th highest number of HIV/AIDS cases from 11 district in Maluku. Housewives in Kolser health center are at risk of contracting HIV from their husbands. Families in this area 40% do not live together, because the husband works non permanently. Another reasons is that in this area there are prostitute houses. Kolser health center is one of the Puskesmas that serves HIV testing in Southeast Maluku. Pregnant women who come to visit PITC in 2017 were 247 mothers out of 321 visits.
Purpose : This study aims to explore the behavioural factors that influence pregnant women’s to PICT at the Kolser health center.
Methods : This study employed a cross-sectional design. The sample of this study consists of 155 pregnant mothers in Puskesmas Kolser, selected by using total sampling. Data was collected using face to face interview by trained enumerators. Data were then analysed with chi-square test and logistic regression backward method.
Results : The finding of this study is that there is a relationship between knowledge (p=0,000), perceived benefit (p=0,007), perceived susceptibility (p=0,040) with the visit of pregnant women to PITC. Compared to pregnant women who do not have sufficient on HIV/AIDS, those who have sufficient knowledge on HIV/AIDS was 3.825 times more likely to come visit PITC
Conclusion : sufficient knowledge of pregnant women is the most significant factor related to the utilization of PITC in Kolser health center.
Keywords : pregnant women, PITC, knowledge, HIV/AIDS
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