Hubungan Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 dengan Asam urat dan Magnesium pada pasien chronic kidney disease


  • Ade Delpita Bagian Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
  • Indranila Kustarini Samsuria Bagian Patologi Klinik RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, Indonesia
  • Herniah Asti Wulanjani Bagian Patologi Klinik RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, Indonesia



CKD, LFG, sVCAM-1, asam urat, magnesium


Latar belakang: Kondisi Chronic kidney disease (CKD) dapat terjadi proses inflamasi dan aterosklerosis akan melibatkan marker inflamasi, disfungsi endotel Soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), asam urat (AU) dan peran elektrolit magnesium berhubungan dengan patofisiologi CKD .sVCAM-1 merupakan biomolekuler marker inflamasi dan disfungsi endotel, AU sebagai marker inflamasi dan magnesium berperan dalam metabolisme elektrolit ginjal.

Tujuan: Membuktikan hubungan antara sVCAM-1 dengan asam urat (AU) dan magnesium (Mg) pada pasien CKD.

Metoda Penelitian: Penelitian belah lintang dilakukan pada 33 penderita CKD belum pernah hemodialisis, sampel diambil selama bulan Maret - Juni 2019. Nilai Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus (LFG) dihitung menggunakan rumus Cockcroft-Gault. Kadars VCAM-1 diperiksa menggunakan metode Enzyme Link Immunosorbent Assay. Kadar asam urat diperiksa dengan metode fotometrik enzimatik dan magnesium diperiksa dengan kolorimetrik Xylidil blue menggunakan alat Advia. Uji hubungan menggunakan uji Pearson untuk data normal dan Spearman’s untuk data tidak normal.

Hasil: Nilai LFG pada penelitan ini 46,48 ± 11,44 ml/min/1,73m2. Median kadarVCAM-1 adalah 715 (564 – 991) ng/dL. Median kadar asam urat adalah 9,2 (7,8 – 15,2) mg/dL dan median untuk kadar magnesium 1,03 (0,79 – 1,5) mmol/dL. Hubungan sVCAM-1 dengan kadar asam urat serum didapatkan korelasi dengan r = 0,488 dan p = 0,004.Terdapat hubungan sVCAM-1 dengan kadar magnesium serum dengan r = -0,442; p = 0,010.

Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan positif sedang antara sVCAM-1 dengan asam urat serum, terdapat hubungan negatif sedang antara sVCAM-1dengan magnesium serum.

Kata kunci :CKD,LFG, sVCAM-1, asam urat, magnesium


Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD ) is a condition that occurs because of  the inflammatory process and atherosclerosis thus involve the marker of inflammation, endhothelial dysfuntion Soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1(sVCAM-1), uric acid (UA) and magnesium, associated with the pathophisiology of CKD. VCAM-1 is a marker of inflammation and endhothelial dysfuntion, UA as a marker of inflammation and Mg plays a role in renal electrolytes metabolism.

Objective: To prove the relationship between the sVCAM-1 and uric acid (UA) and magnesium (Mg) levels in CKD patients

Methode: A cross sectional study conducted on 33 patients with chronic kidney disease who had never hemodialysis during March-June 2019. Value of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula which necessary creatinine levels. Value of GFR is calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula.sVCAM-1 levels were examined using the Enzyme Link Immunosorbent Assay method. Uric acid were axamined enzymatic photometric and magnesium levels were examined Xylidil blue colorimetric methods by Advia. Pearson correlation test using the test for normal data and Spearman's when data is not normal.

Results: The value of this study GFR at 46.48 ± 11.44 ml/min/1,73m2. Median levels of sVCAM-1 was 715 (564 to 991) ug / dL. Median for uric acid is 9.2 (7.8 to 15.02) mg/dL and magnesium 1,03 (0,79 – 1,5) mmol/dL  There is a significant correlation between VCAM-1 with serum uric acid levels showed a correlation with(r = 0.488; p = 0.004). There is a correlation between sVCAM-1 and serum magnesium(r = -0.442; p = 0.010).

Conclusion: There is a moderate positive correlation between sVCAM-1 with uric acid serum, there is a moderate negatif correlation between sVCAM-1 and serum magnesium.

Keywords: CKD, GFR, sVCAM-1, uric acid, magnesium.




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How to Cite

Delpita A, Samsuria IK, Wulanjani HA. Hubungan Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 dengan Asam urat dan Magnesium pada pasien chronic kidney disease. Medica Hospitalia J. Clin. Med. [Internet]. 2020 May 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 5];7(1):69-74. Available from:



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