Implikasi Manajemen Keperawatan Dalam Penanganan Pasien Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19): Literatur Review


  • Junia Tri Astuti Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Suyanto Suyanto Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surakarta, Indonesia



Implikasi, Manajemen Keperawatan, Covid-19


Latar Belakang: Profesi perawat selama masa pandemi Corona virus diseasen19 (Covid-19) mendapatkan tantangan untuk memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang profesional dengan resiko tertular bahkan menjadi korban Covid-19. Oleh karena itu keterlibatan manajemen  keperawatan sangat diperlukan agar pelayanan keperawatan tetap bisa berlangsung dengan tetap menjaga perawat terhindar dari penularan Covid-19.

Tujuan: Literatur review ini bertujuan untuk melakukan telaah implikasi manajemen keperawatan dalam penanganan pasien Covid-19 dari berbagai jurnal.

Metode: Penelusuran artikel dalam jurnal penelitian didapatkan dari Google scholar, Sciencedirect, Ebscohost dan Wiley lalu dikelompokkan berdasarkan  issue, metodologi, dan persamaan lingkup pembahasan. Artikel penelitian lain yang masuk dalam daftar penelusuran seperti dari Elsavier dan CDC. Diperoleh  artikel  sebanyak 940 buah terdiri dari jurnal keperawatan maupun jurnal kesehatan dengan kata kunci Implikasi, Perawat, Manajemen,  Covid-19. Setelah itu dilakukan proses penyaringan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi menggunakan PICOT (population, Intervention, Comparasion, Outcome dan Time) diperoleh 15 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria.

Hasil : Sebagai hasil  analisa 15 artikel dalam jurnal penelitian terpilih diperoleh data yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu: Pertama, pelatihan bagi perawat dan pasien. Perawat dalam  menangani pasien Covid-19 membutuhkan tambahan pelatihan seperti manajemen pemberian infus efektif dan penggunaan Artificial Inteligence . Demikian juga pasien perlu diberikan  beberapa intervensi berupa latihan seperti  latihan otot progresif dan rehabilitasi pernafasan untuk meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan pasien Covid-19 . Kedua, pengelolaan tenaga dan sarana keperawatan seperti kapasitas tenaga dengan jumlah shift yang seimbang, serta kecukupan alat pelindung diri. Ketiga, aspek psikologi perawat dalam menangani pasien Covid-19 diberikan dalam bentuk dukungan psikologis dari keluarga dan tim kesehatan.  

Kesimpulan: Keterlibatan  manajemen keperawatan dalam penatalaksanaan pasien Covid-19 antara lain;  Pelatihan bagi perawat dan pasien, pengeloaan ketenagaan dan sarana serta aspek psikologis perawat

Kata kunci: Implikasi, Manajemen Keperawatan, Covid-19


Background: Nurse profession during the pandemic Corona virus diseasen19 (Covid-19) was challenged to provide professional nursing care with the risk of contracting and even being a victim of Covid-19. Therefore the involvement of nursing management is very necessary so that nursing services can continue to take place while maintaining nurses avoiding Covid-19 transmission.

Objective: This review literature aims to examine the implications of nursing management in handling Covid-19 patients from various journals.

Methods: Search for articles in research journals obtained from Google Scholar, Sciencedirect, Ebscohost and Wiley and then grouped by issue, methodology, and the scope of the discussion. Other research articles included in search listings such as those from Elsavier and CDC. 940 articles were obtained consisting of nursing journals and health journals with the key words Implications, Nurses, Management, Covid-19. After that the screening process based on inclusion criteria using PICOT (population, Intervention, Comparasion, Outcome and Time) obtained 15 articles that meet the criteria.

Results: As a result of the analysis of 15 articles in selected research journals obtained data were divided into 3 groups, namely: First, training for nurses and patients. Nurses in handling Covid-19 patients need additional training such as effective management of infusion and the use of Artificial Intelligence. Likewise, patients need to be given several interventions in the form of exercises such as progressive muscle training and respiratory rehabilitation to improve the health condition of Covid-19 patients. Second, management of personnel and nursing facilities such as the capacity of workers with a balanced number of shifts, as well as the adequacy of personal protective equipment. Third, aspects of nurse psychology in dealing with Covid-19 patients are provided in the form of psychological support from family and health teams.

Conclusion: The involvement of nursing management in the management of Covid-19 patients, among others; Training for nurses and patients, management of personnel and facilities and psychological aspects of nurses

Keywords: Implications, Nursing Management, Covid-19


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How to Cite

Astuti JT, Suyanto S. Implikasi Manajemen Keperawatan Dalam Penanganan Pasien Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19): Literatur Review. Medica Hospitalia J. Clin. Med. [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];7(1A):288-97. Available from:

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