The Comparison of McKenzie and Isometric Neck Exercise to Balance in Forward Head Posture

Study on Employees with Computer Using


  • Naela Munawaroh Kelompok Staf Medis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi RSUP Dr. Kariadi, Indonesia
  • Stephanie Indrawati Sugiarto Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Sri Wahyudati Kelompok Staf Medis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi, RSUP Dr. Kariadi, Indonesia
  • Erna Setiawati Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia



forward head posture, McKenzie, isometric neck exercise, balance


BACKGROUND: The increasing use of computers in the current era is accompanied by an increase in the prevalence of poor posture due to the use of computers in fixed and inappropriate positions for a long time. This has the potential to cause changes in posture and body alignment such as forward head posture. McKenzie neck exercise and isometric neck exercise are considered to help maintain normal spinal alignment and improve body posture.

OBJECTIVE:  To compare the effect of McKenzie and Isometric Neck Exercise to balance in forward head posture

METHOD: This study is an experimental study with a quasi-experimental pre and post-test design. Research subjects are computer users at RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang who suffer from forward head posture. A total of 24 research subjects were divided into group 1 (n=12) who received McKenzie neck exercise and group 2 (n=12) who received isometric neck exercise. Allocation was done by simple randomization. Each group did the exercise 12 times for 4 weeks with a frequency of 3 times per week. Balance assessment using the mCTSIB (Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance) questionnaire. Data analysis used Shapiro Wilk, Mann Whitney, independent t-test and paired t-test.

RESULT: The demographic data of the sample in this study did not show any significant difference in either group 1 and 2. There was a significant improvement in condition 1 (balance on a flat bed with open eyes) in group 1 (p = 0.025). Significant results were also obtained in condition 2 (balance on a flat bed with closed eye) in group 2 (p = 0.041). There was no significant difference in the analysis of the two intervention groups. The McKenzie group did not provide a greater improvement in balance when compared to the isometric neck exercise group.

CONCLUSION: McKenzie exercise is not superior to isometric neck exercise in improving balance


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How to Cite

Munawaroh N, Sugiarto SI, Wahyudati S, Setiawati E. The Comparison of McKenzie and Isometric Neck Exercise to Balance in Forward Head Posture: Study on Employees with Computer Using. Medica Hospitalia J. Clin. Med. [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 5];9(1):55-61. Available from:



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