Comparison Of Clinical Response Between Combine Chemotherapy 5 Fluorourasil - Platinum Based And Ifosfamid - Taxane - Platinum Based In Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 5-flourouracil, ifosfamide, response to therapyAbstract
BACKGROUND : Recurrence of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) is the emergence of a tumor remission after administration of chemoradiation based on symptoms and several examinations. The combination of chemotherapy in recurrent NPC still gives good results. The combine of regimens used is still varied and not much study has been done to assess the clinical response.
OBJECTIVE : To compare the clinical response between administration of combination 5 Fluorouracil-Platinum based (5-FU) and Ifosfamide-taxan-platinum based (IFO) in recurrent NPC.
METHOD :. This observational study used electronic medical record (ERM) data at the ENT oncology clinic at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital for the period January 2020-January 2022. The number of samples that suited to the inclusion and exclusion criteria was 44 subjects divided into two groups of 22 subjects respectively. The chi-square test was used to assess differences in alteration of clinical symptoms, tumor mass size, neck lymph node enlargement, tumours stage reduction, and the effect of confounding factors on response to therapy in both groups.
RESULTS : The highest number of patients with recurrent NPC were aged ≥45 Years old and male (75%). WHO type 3 is the most common (95.5%) and ECOG status 1 (95.5%). There was no significant difference administration of the combination of 5-FU with IFO in alteration of clinical symptoms (p=0.500), shrink tumor size (p=0.347), reduction of neck lymph node size (p=0.164), and reduction tumor staging (p=0.347). There was no relationship from confounding factors to clinical response between the administration of the two groups.
CONCLUSION : Administration of 5 Fluorouracil-platinum based combination chemotherapy did not provide a better clinical response in terms of clinical symptoms, changes in primary tumor size, neck lymph node size, and decreased tumor stage compared to the Ifosfamide-taxane-platinum based combination based on recurrent NPC.
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